Your Brain Craves Chocolate

Pure Natural Healing

FROM article on FLCCC
Guest Post by Dr. Suzanne Gazda of the Neurology Institute of San Antonio

Everybody at the office is aware that I am a chocolate lover (non GMO dark chocolate…the darker, the better).

Dark chocolate is known to be beneficial for the brain. As with everything, do not overdo. One ounce per day is enough.

You can do something good for your brain by enjoying one of the most popular treats.

After reading the COSMOS findings, we felt motivated to investigate cocoa products. We were motivated by our love of chocolate and wanted to see if they could help with neurological processes.

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If you’re unfamiliar with COSMOS or The COcoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study (or COSMOS ), it is a clinical trial that involved over 21,000 participants conducted at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. Scientists wanted to know more about the benefits and risks of taking a 500mg cocoa extract daily with a multivitamin.

The study team acknowledged that further research was needed but the results for the cocoa, which is a simple flavonol were very promising: “Long term cocoa supplementation could favorably impact clinical cardio outcomes, including a 27% reduction in cardiac death and greater cardiovascular benefit among those who take the study pills regularly.”


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