Herbal Remedies

  • Some Herbal Remedies to Increase Fertility Some Herbal Remedies to Increase Fertility

    Fertility drugs can sometimes cause undesired side effects in women seeking pregnancy. Another route to consider that may increase fertility is the use of herbal remedies that…

Home Remedies

    Foods & Excercise

    • Exercises That Are Good for Your Brain Exercises That Are Good for Your Brain

      In today’s world of computers, television, magazines and newspapers all spewing out information to us and overloading our brains, it’s no wonder that we have trouble remembering…

    • Foods That Actually Cause Stress Foods That Actually Cause Stress

      Stress can be caused by a lot of things – from work issues to financial situations.  It’s a normal reaction every human experiences in situations they were…

    • Foods That Are Good for Your Mind Foods That Are Good for Your Mind

      There are “feel good” foods that are exceptionally good for your mind and your body. Whether you’re a college student facing finals week or a senior citizen…

    Natural Ways

    • Natural Ways to Treat Acne Natural Ways to Treat Acne

      Our skin is an organ that can become inflamed when pores become clogged and when the sebaceous glands produce too much oil. Whiteheads, blackheads and pimples occur…

    Alternative Treatments

    • Alternative Ways to Treat Sleep Apnea Alternative Ways to Treat Sleep Apnea

      There are many causes for sleep apnea, including obesity and obstructed air passages. Its symptoms are loud snoring sounds that are sometimes interrupted by a few seconds (or minutes) of lapses in breathing. The silence is often followed by loud gasps for air until regular breathing resumes.…

    • Aromatherapy Scents That Are Good for Your Mental Health Aromatherapy Scents That Are Good for Your Mental Health

      Aromatherapy has long been touted as a beneficial therapy for physical conditions.  But it can also be good for your mental health as well.  Extracting the scented oils from various plants, aromatherapy products permeate your body and mind to offer relaxing, healthful benefits that last. Aromatherapy should…

    • Aromatherapy Used In Treatments of Medical Conditions Aromatherapy Used In Treatments of Medical Conditions

      Aromatherapy is an ancient practice of using certain aromatic fragrances to stimulate nerves within the nose.  Those nerves reach the necessary part of the brain that controls certain functions. The science of aromatherapy is the use of scented oils that come from varying parts of flowers, plants,…

    • How Acupuncture Has Been Used for Pain Management How Acupuncture Has Been Used for Pain Management

      People who suffer from chronic pain can sometimes benefit from the ancient practice of acupuncture. The Chinese have used this form of treatment for centuries, but western medicine is just getting around to recognizing it as a viable tool to treat pain. Rather than treating pain with…